What’s up my faithful readers of this galaxy and beyond, how is your life? (I
get bored with boring blog beginnings, okay...) This is Midori/Abby, signing on
for another blog update.
I know I haven’t posted a blog in like
half a century, so you guys might have given up on me and gone off to go watch
YouTube videos or be Tumblr addicts or Tweet about your current location…I
don’t know what you do in your spare time. But anyway, I’m back, so that’s the
important thing!
even reads this blog anyway? Like, are there actually people listening to me, a
random teenage Japanophile, go on about life and Japan and my unaverage life in
America and learning Japanese and stuff? I know there are a few of you, so I
thank you for tuning in and I promise not to disappoint you. :D
Updates From My
Life (A.K.A My lame excuses for not posting):
-I just got back from
the wild land of Maine, where I was visiting my family for Christmas. I was not
eaten alive by my relatives, although there were some close calls, so there is
no need to worry! We did have a white Christmas there, which was very lovely。
are coming up, which means I am doing a lot less procrastinating than usual, and
my grades are looking pretty good. We’re reading this huge book in English
called the Grapes of Wrath, by the same author of that one book about mice, and
I have to do an essay on it.
-There was
Christmas, and I got lots of amazing things from my relatives, because that’s
what relatives do. <3
I got a
purple dress coat, the whole season collection of Fruits Basket, which I have
already finished completely, some new pajamas, another Japanese music CD, a
Taylor Swift CD and a calendar. But the best present of all was probably a
duffel bag with wheels. You may ask “Why in the name of heaven is THAT your
best Christmas present, Midori-chan?” Well, if you were with me at Mori No Ike
(summer camp) last year, you will know exactly why. I had an unfortunate incident
with my old duffel when I was extracting it from the bottom of the luggage
pile, which involved me dropping it on my unfortunate camp counselor, who was
then kind enough to help me with it. (Arigatou, Ryou-sensei!) I’m not even sure
he remembers that, but I am still humiliated about it to this day. When I got
home I complained that I needed a better one, and figured I would just have to
live with it. But my Dad took it into his consideration to buy me a new one
with wheels that is easier to maneuver in order to save me further humiliation.
The whole duffel story is kind of a joke
between me and anyone who knows about it, so it was a great gift.
Oh wait, I can’t believe I almost forgot….
And to my readers
familiar with 日本語、I
would like to say
Yatto nisenjuusan nen desu yo!! It’s finally 2013! We survived 2012,
against the odds.
Everybody had really, really pretty fireworks
displays all over the world, I watched them on YouTube after I finished with
the usual one in Time’s Square. Some of my favorites besides USA and 日本(Japan) included Dubai, where
the world’s largest tower was lit up tier by tier with pyrotechnics, and
London, which was just a spectacular show. China as usual was a spectacle as
well, and Seoul, South Korea had this really neat gong/drum thing that I would
really like to learn how to play someday. People in my own neck of the woods
decided that it would be nice to shoot off their own displays long into the
night… 0.o’
London Fireworks |
So of course, like everybody else, I have made some
New Years Resolutions, sort of. I actually didn’t think of them until last
minute, but they still count.
Improve my YouTube channel. This will involve remaking some Japanese lessons
and making lessons frequently and taking lots of suggestions from you guys. By
the way, did you know that there’s almost 1000 of you? That’s right, my
subscriber count is going to hit 1K soon, and I am majorly psyched. 登録してくれてどうもありがとうございます〜
Write a novel. I don’t know, I just feel like doing this. If I could at
least get a good start on one, it would make me happy. I wrote one in 5th
grade, but I want to see how my writing style has changed, and plus I feel like
it will keep my English up to par with my Japanese (lol). The more I study
Japanese, the more my English deteriorates. Soon I’ll need to go to English
Make more friends and stay in touch with them! I want to continue to make
more friends from all over the world, because you guys are amazing, and also to
make a bit more of an effort to be less of the “weird girl” at school. Actually
no, I want to be MORE of the “weird girl” that I am because it attracts other
weird nerdy people like me, and I love that! So yeah, if you’re a language nerd
or an internet nerd or any other kind of nerd, you are awesome in my book and I
assure you we will get along splendidly. I also want to keep in touch with my
friends from Mori no Ike, because you guys are my sisters and my best besties
and you are part of the select few people on the planet who understand who I am
and love me for it <3 Yes, I’m talking about my awesome cabinmates, and I
will see you guys in June, which is about 5 and a half months away!!! And all
the Mori Sensei, I’m excited to see you guys too because you’re my role
models!! And pretty dang awesome too xD
To improve my Japanese and become more fluent. MORE fluent being the key
word, because I don’t expect to gain total fluency in 365 days. That has been
my resolution last year as well, and I have come to learn that it is just plain
ridiculous to expect that much improvement.
Write lots of blogs for you guys!!
SO, 皆さん、What are your plans for the new year?
Leave a
comment below and let me know!
(ugh, I hate it when I inadvertently rhyme things…)
Also if you
want to follow me on Instagram my ID is MidoriAbby, and if you have language
related questions email me at TheLanguageHelp@gmail.com
and my youtube is RanAbvideo for Japanese lessons.